How to use Weezly for real estate business?

This article will guide you on leveraging Weezly to enhance your real estate business. So, how to use Weezly for real estate?

1. Simplified Scheduling for Property Viewings #

Weezly’s feature allows clients to easily schedule property viewings. Here’s how you can use it:

  • Set Availability: Customize your calendar to show when you’re available for viewings.
  • Share Your Link: Embed your Weezly scheduling link on your website or send it directly to clients.
  • Automatic Multiple Reminders: Weezly sends automated reminders to reduce no-shows.

2. Personalized Property Tours with Video Messaging #

Leverage Weezly’s Loom-like video feature to create personalized virtual tours.

  • Record Tours: Showcase properties by recording detailed video tours.
  • Add Personal Touch: Personalize messages for each client, highlighting features that meet their specific needs.
  • Easy Sharing: Send these videos via email or through Weezly’s integrated platform.

3. Efficient Client Communication #

Weezly streamlines communication, making it easier to connect with clients.

  • Instant Updates: Quickly send updates about new listings or changes in availability.
  • Feedback Collection: Use Weezly to gather client feedback after viewings or virtual tours.

4. Organizing Open Houses #

Plan and execute open houses with ease.

  • Event Scheduling: Use Weezly to schedule open houses and manage RSVPs.
  • Pre-Event Videos: Send informative videos about the property to registered attendees.

6. Enhancing Collaboration with Teams #

Weezly is not just for individual agents.

  • Team Scheduling: Coordinate with your team for viewings and meetings.
  • Internal Communication: Use video messages for internal briefings and updates.

Weezly is a game-changer for real estate professionals, blending the best of scheduling and video communication. By utilizing its comprehensive features, you can provide exceptional service to your clients, streamline your operations, and stand out in the competitive real estate market.

Next Steps: Get started with Weezly today and transform the way you handle your real estate business!

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