How to Filter Categories for Simpler Navigation in Weezly?

How to Filter Categories in Weezly? Weezly allows you to filter your events by multiple categories, including:

  • Booking Page
  • Timeslot Picker
  • Group Invite
  • Website widget

Weezly’s filter allows you to adjust the preview to suit you best. Choose to see everything or just one category.

To do that, follow the next steps:

#1 Step: Find ‘Filter’ button #

Find the ‘Filter’ button

How to Filter Categories for Simpler Navigation in Weezly?

#2 Step: Choose What You Want to See #

Select your preferred option and then click on the corresponding field beside it. For instance, if you select ‘timeslot picker‘, only this option will be displayed. This method applies to other selections as well.

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