Employee onboarding tools: article

10 Employee Onboarding Tools You Can’t Work Without

Table of Contents

Effective employee onboarding is crucial for the smooth integration of new hires into a company. It’s not just about making them feel welcome but also equipping them with the right tools and information to become productive and engaged team members quickly. In this digital age, the right onboarding tools can make a significant difference. Here are 10 essential employee onboarding tools to streamline your workplace.

Employee Onboarding:Onboarding new employee process concept. Ensuring that the new employees are able to hit the ground running with their new team. Staff induction practices and organizational socialization.

About Onboarding and Tools

The success of your new hires greatly depends on your onboarding process. Effective onboarding not only enhances productivity but also boosts employee retention rates, contributes to a positive workplace culture, and can significantly save costs related to hiring and training.

Whether you are an HR professional, team leader, or perhaps an entrepreneur looking to refine your employee onboarding process, we have congregated 10 essential tools that could revolutionize your workplace operations. Moreover, our detailed analyses of each tool will respond to frequently asked questions such as how to reduce no-show appointments and the benefits ai scheduling software!

10 Essential Employee Onboarding Tools

#1 Weezly

weezly's interface

Recognized among the top Calendly alternatives owing to their powerful features and versatility. It stands out as a unique blend of scheduling and video messaging. This innovative tool allows new hires to easily book meetings and integrates video messages into your website or email. The standout feature, “Screencast,” lets employees record video messages, enhancing communication and adding a personal touch to the onboarding process. Moreover, these video messages can include a booking page, enabling viewers to schedule a meeting instantly, and streamlining the integration of new employees into your team.

Impact on the Onboarding Process

  1. Enhanced Communication: Weezly’s video messaging capability enhances the effectiveness of communication during onboarding. Complex concepts and procedures can be explained clearly through video, making it easier for new hires to understand their roles and responsibilities.
  2. Time Efficiency: By integrating scheduling with communication, Weezly significantly reduces the time taken to coordinate meetings and training sessions. This efficiency allows new hires to quickly adapt and become productive members of the team.
  3. Building Connections: The personal touch offered by video messages helps in building connections between new hires and existing team members, fostering a sense of belonging and team cohesion.
  4. Streamlined Administration: For HR teams, Weezly simplifies the administrative burden of onboarding. With centralized scheduling and communication, it becomes easier to manage the onboarding process for multiple new hires simultaneously.

#2 Appointlet

Acclaimed for its easy navigation and functionality, Appointlet makes appointment booking a breeze. Why is Appointlet useful? Let’s see:

  1. Group Scheduling: Appointlet shines in facilitating group meetings, which is crucial for onboarding sessions involving multiple new hires. This tool can be integrated with Weezly to organize group orientations or training sessions efficiently.
  2. Time Zone Intelligence: For companies with a global workforce, Appointlet’s time zone features ensure that meeting invites are sent out in the correct local time for all participants, making it easier to coordinate across different regions.
  3. Customizable Booking Pages: Appointlet allows for the creation of customizable booking pages. These can be tailored to reflect the company’s branding, providing a consistent and professional look across all onboarding materials.

#3 Setmore


It is more than just a meeting scheduler, Setmore offers additional capabilities like SMS reminders and payment processing systems. Why?

  1. Customer-Focused Interface: Setmore is designed with a strong focus on customer interaction, making it an ideal tool for external-facing roles. It can be used alongside Weezly to schedule onboarding sessions that may involve interactions with clients or external partners.
  2. Flexible Booking Options: Setmore offers a range of booking options, including the ability to book through social media platforms. This can be particularly beneficial for roles that require social media savvy, offering a modern and familiar way for new hires to engage with their onboarding schedule.
  3. Automated Reminders and Notifications: Setmore’s automated reminder system helps ensure that new hires don’t miss their important onboarding sessions. This feature complements Weezly’s scheduling and communication tools, creating a seamless and efficient onboarding experience.

Task Management Software:

#5 Trello

Trello: Employee Onboarding Tools

Combines ease of use with comprehensive task management features; Trello facilitates clear visual representations of all tasks and processes with customizable boards, lists, and cards.

Impact on the Onboarding Process

  1. Structured and Clear Onboarding Path: Trello’s visual and organized structure provides a clear onboarding path for new employees, helping them understand their responsibilities and milestones.
  2. Active Participation and Engagement: The interactive nature of Trello encourages active participation from new hires, making them more engaged in the onboarding process.
  3. Efficient Task Management: Trello’s checklists and due dates organize and streamline the onboarding process, ensuring the timely completion of all necessary steps.
  4. Collaborative Integration into the Team: The collaborative features of Trello not only assist in task management but also help new hires integrate into their teams by fostering interaction and teamwork.

#6 Asana

Known for its flexible approach towards project management whereby users can create custom workflows that suit specific project needs.

Impact on the Onboarding Process

  1. Structured and Organized Approach: Asana’s task organization capabilities lend structure to the onboarding process. This structure is crucial in ensuring that nothing is overlooked and that new hires receive all the necessary information and training.
  2. Enhanced Communication and Collaboration: By fostering a collaborative workspace, Asana helps new employees feel more connected to their team. This connection is vital for building relationships and integrating into the company culture.
  3. Efficient Tracking and Management: The ability to track progress and manage tasks efficiently means that HR teams can quickly identify and address any delays or issues in the onboarding process.
  4. Adaptability to Different Roles: The customization options in Asana ensure that the onboarding process is relevant and specific to each new hire’s role, making it more effective and meaningful.

#7 Slack

Although commonly perceived as a chat app, Slack brings multiple features including tools for effective meetings that make it invaluable within collaborative work environments.

Impact on the Onboarding Process

  1. Immediate and Effective Communication: Slack bridges the gap between new hires and their colleagues, fostering an environment of open communication. This immediacy is particularly beneficial in remote or hybrid work settings.
  2. Centralized Information Hub: By creating dedicated onboarding channels, all relevant information is centralized in one place, making it easily accessible for new employees.
  3. Enhanced Team Integration: Slack’s casual and interactive platform helps new hires to more quickly feel like part of the team, breaking down formal barriers and promoting a sense of belonging.
  4. Streamlined Onboarding Process: The integration of Slack with other tools creates a streamlined onboarding experience where various aspects of the process are interconnected and easily navigable.

HR Software

#8 BambooHR


BambooHR offers small and medium-sized businesses an all-in-one solution for managing employee data and activities, from onboarding to offboarding.

Impact on Onboarding:

  • By centralizing employee information, BambooHR ensures that all relevant data is easily accessible and manageable.
  • Customizable onboarding flows allow for a personalized and engaging onboarding experience for new hires.

#9 Zenefit


This platform covers every aspect of the employee life-cycle – recruitment, hiring, onboarding, benefits administration, performance reviews, and more.

Impact on Onboarding:

  • Zenefits’ comprehensive approach to HR management efficiently manages all HR-related tasks.
  • The emphasis on employee wellness and engagement contributes to a positive onboarding experience, promoting a healthy work-life balance.

#10 Gusto

Gusto: Employee Onboarding Tools

Gusto has emerged as a pivotal tool in the realm of employee onboarding, especially for its capabilities in streamlining payroll, benefits, and HR management. This tool is not just about reducing paperwork but also about enhancing the employee experience right from the start. Let’s delve deeper into how Gusto contributes to making the onboarding process more efficient and employee-friendly.

Impact on Onboarding:

  • Gusto’s automation of payroll and benefits enrollment streamlines these essential aspects of onboarding, ensuring a smooth start for new hires.
  • The self-onboarding feature empowers employees, allowing them to manage their details independently and efficiently.

Making the Most of Employee Onboarding Tools

To ensure a successful onboarding process, it’s crucial to not only choose the right tools but also to use them effectively. Here are some tips:

  • Customize the Experience: Tailor the onboarding process to meet the unique needs of each new hire.
  • Encourage Interaction: Use Weezly to encourage interaction and foster a sense of belonging.
  • Track Progress: Utilize project management tools to track the progress of onboarding tasks.
  • Gather Feedback: Continuously improve the process by gathering feedback from new employees.

Final Thoughts: Employee Onboarding Tools

Incorporating these ten tools into your onboarding strategy can transform the new hire experience, fostering a smoother, more efficient, and engaging introduction to your organization. Tools like Weezly, with its unique combination of features, play a pivotal role in modernizing and enhancing this critical process. By adopting these technologies, you pave the way for a more connected, productive, and satisfied workforce.

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